Serving the counties of Winnebago, Worth, Hancock, Cerro Gordo and Kossuth since 1886.
Company History
In 1886 a group of pioneer farmers met in a rural schoolhouse in Center Township to organize the Farmers Mutual Fire and Lightning Association of Winnebago County. The intent of this was to provide insurance for members at reasonable rates. In those early years insurance for farm property either was not available or the rates charged by the existing companies were too high that the farmers could not afford the premiums.
Since that time, Winnebago Mutual, a quality institution and source of stability, our strength has grown from about three dozen members and $6,000 of risk in force to over 1,900 policies and over 400 million dollars of risk in force. The purpose for which the association was founded, with sensitivity —to provide maximum insurance protection at fair and reasonable rates—is still being fulfilled by following the same principles established by those early pioneers.
Through our association with Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance we have been able to have the capacity needed to insure virtually any size farm or dwelling risk. The same contracts provide Winnebago Mutual with security and stability in the event of large or extensive loss.
In the best American tradition, your Mutual belongs to you and all other members and operates for your benefit and protection.
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